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Advanced Components
Small-size & High-precision Positioning Board
P20U tracks more signals for unparalleled positioning performance with new Phantom 20 OEM board. The power management system efficiently controls the processor, memory, and ASIC making it ideal for multiple integration applications.

P20U tracks more signals for unparalleled positioning performance with new Phantom 20 OEM board. The latest technology platform enables simultaneous tracking of all satellite signals including GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS, IRNSS and L-band making it the most robust and reliable solution for machine control. The power management system efficiently governs the processor, memory, and ASIC,making it ideal for multiple integration applications.

- Multi-Frequency GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, and QZSS

- Long-range RTK baselines up to 50 km with fast acquisition time

- Compatible with many RTK sources including ROX format, RTCM, CMR, CMR+

- Mechanically and electrically (pin-for-pin) compatible with many other manufacturers' modules

- Serial, USB for easy use and integration

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